Besaş Chocolate Bread

5,00 TL

" The bread of those who want to stay in shape without sacrificing of Chocolate Pleasure. "

  • Energy (kcal / 100) 298
  • Carbohydrate mg / kg 50.3
  • Starch% 35.4
  • H Protein% 7.2
  • Amount of oil% 7.5
  • Sodium mg / kg 1408

Ingredients: Wheat flour, whole wheat flour, oat flour, wheat germ, salt, yeast, sugar, milk powder,chocolate drops, cocoa, olive oil, water.


Thanks to the chocolate it contains, it helps coughs in children and young people under 18 years of age.

It contains high amount of antioxidants.

It provides a great effect on mental development.

Thanks to the olive oil ; reduces blood pressure, reduces headache, makes it easier to lose weight.

E and B vitamins are rich in iron, magnesium, potassium.

Thanks to the chocolate , it increases the level of serotonin in your brain and gives you a feeling of happiness.

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