Besaş Whole Grain Bread

13,50 TL

" Besas Whole Grain Bread is more filling because of its high pulp value."

  • H Protein% 7.68
  • Starch% 36.34
  • Raw oil % 1.06
  • Total Sugar% 2.91
  • Metabolic Energy (K. Cal / 100 gr) 197.26
  • Sodium mg / kg 2679
  • Potassium mg / kg 1545
  • Iron mg / kg 14.9
  • Magnesium mg / kg 424
  • Carbohydrate mg / kg 39.25

Ingredients: Wheat flour, whole wheat flour, rye flour, corn flour, oat flour, flax seed, oatmeal, rye paste, sesame, yeast, salt, bread additive, sunflower seed, sour dough, water.


It relaxes the digestive system and does not bloat.

It contains 15 times more folic acid than normal bread.

Folic acid reduces heart attack risk by 25%.

It contains higher amounts of omega 3 and omega 6 fatty acids.

It is very beneficial against vascular stiffness.

The highest fiber content is bread type.

It is good for eye health.

It reduces bad cholesterol.

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